Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day
Christian Youth in Action®
Christian Youth In Action® (CYIA™) is a program designed to train young adults to own their faith and boldly share the gospel in an effective and fun way with children. The youths who attend this program will receive a one-week training session where they will learn to present the Gospel clearly on a child’s level, counsel a child for salvation and lead a dynamic club ministry for children. Components of this club include teaching Bible lessons, Real-life missionary stories, Bible verses, Songs, games and a fun review time! These clubs take place out in the community with predominantly unsaved kids who don’t regularly attend church. The youths will be able to take the light of the Gospel to their community, after which they will be presented with a certificate of completion.
Important Information!
CYIA training will be held at The Master's University June 22 - 28, 2024. The online registration will close June 1, 2024. To register click the Register button below.
For more information on how you can be a part of this exciting ministry contact Olu @ 323-209-9879.